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Education Opportunities
  • Expanding our Dual Enrollment programs providing the opportunity for students to graduate with a High School Diploma and an AA, which will prepare students for work experience as well as decreasing tuition burdens of 4 year college.  

  • Enhance our ethnic studies opportunity to cover K to 12th grade because representation matters.  Programs that highlight the diversity of our students and the beauty of their heritage are in line with new CSU standards and pending changes in the California Department of Education.

  • Develop District wide competitions and programs like Spelling Bees, STEAM Fairs and MESA in addition to supporting and build upon programs already in place like Ballet Folklorico, Speech and Debate, and others. 

Transparent Communication

This is a look at our schools and districts through the growth mindset lens of introspection.  We need to honor that our youth are enrolled in an evolving district that has graduation rates that continue to rise and a decreasing drop out rate. 


We need to tell our story, honestly discuss what is working, what does not work, how we are going to make that change.  Woodland Joint Unified while needing to still aim higher, has a lot to offer, and is working to keep our students competitive. 


This is a conversation that involves stakeholders, from parents, to teachers, community members and admin, in addition to committee work with purpose. 


Equity is the buzz word in education for a reason.  Equity is about fairness and inclusivity.  Equity is about getting students what they need and the support to achieve.  Equity is also understanding there are different learning styles and helping students develop and thrive.

Equality Vs Equity

Community Partnerships

We need to develop community partnerships to enrich student’s education and explore options to improve social emotional outcomes.  To do this we will need to capacity build, engage parents and other stakeholders to develop meaningful partnerships. 

It is imperative the District supports parent organizations through periodic best practices meetings and working collaboratively on projects as well as to coordinate resources. 

The LCAP goals are to engage and improve parent participation, but not every parent that wants to contribute can be a part of the ELAC, PTA’s/PTO’s, School Site Council.  Parent engagement must be meaningful and deliberate, and we need to engage the parent resources in our district with more regularity. 

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